Saturday, October 10, 2009

Last of the Inverviews--yeah!

The last three people (Ofunne, Wendi, Marissa) came to be interviewed about their participation in Plant It Forward thus far. Now we can start working on the final videos. Can't wait to see how it all turns out. Ofunne made a good comment and one that I have been thinking about lately. The key word for the project is "Forward." What next Linda? The project has to move out of Beverly Hills and the community of artists to the world at large. I am thinking about education in the schools, planting much more food to get out into other communities that do not have easy access to organic food. It's time to think about Stage 2 of the project and beyond.

After everyone left, I went to work in the garden. I pulled out all the carrots. They were ready to be harvested and the aphids were starting to increase in numbers. I also pulled out all the huge cauliflower in the Raised Bed. No cauliflower and taking up a lot of space. I think I will plant broccoli and rapini there.

I found a praying mantis in the tomato plant closest to the house. What a surprise!

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